How To Wash Clothes In Bathtub

Learn how to wash clothes in a bathtub with our step-by-step guide. Discover an eco-friendly and effective method for handwashing your garments.

How To Wash Clothes In Bathtub

Whether you're traveling and don't have access to a washing machine or simply prefer a hands-on approach to laundry, washing your clothes in a bathtub can be an effective and eco-friendly solution. It's a method that has been used for generations and can leave your clothes clean and fresh with minimal resources. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of washing clothes in a bathtub, from prepping your garments to drying them efficiently.

What You'll Need:

  • Dirty Clothes: Gather the clothes you need to wash.
  • Bathtub: Ensure that it is clean and free from any debris.
  • Water: Fill the bathtub with enough water to submerge your clothes completely.
  • Detergent: Choose a mild detergent suitable for handwashing.
  • Agitation Tool: You can use your hands or a clean plunger.
  • Clean Towels: For drying.

Step 1: Sorting and Prepping

Begin by sorting your clothes just as you would for a regular washing machine load. Group fabrics of similar types and colors together to prevent any potential color bleeding. Examine the clothing labels for specific care instructions.

Step 2: Filling the Bathtub

Fill the bathtub with enough water to fully submerge your clothes. Use cold or lukewarm water, as hot water can be harsh on fabrics and may cause shrinkage.

Step 3: Adding Detergent

Pour the appropriate amount of detergent into the water. Agitate the water with your hand or a clean plunger to distribute the detergent evenly.

Step 4: Soaking

Place your sorted clothes into the soapy water. Ensure that all garments are fully submerged. Let them soak for 5-10 minutes to loosen dirt and stains.

Step 5: Agitation

Gently agitate the clothes by swishing them around in the soapy water. Pay special attention to any stained or soiled areas, gently rubbing the fabric together to remove dirt.

Step 6: Rinsing

Drain the soapy water and refill the bathtub with clean, cold water. Rinse each garment thoroughly by swishing them around in the clean water until the soap is completely washed out. You may need to change the water and repeat this step a few times.

Step 7: Removing Excess Water

To remove excess water from your clothes, gently press them against the bathtub's sides. Avoid squeezing or twisting the fabric, as this can harm the fibers.

Step 8: Drying

Lay your clean clothes flat on clean towels or on a drying rack. Reshape them as needed, and allow them to air dry completely. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading.


  • For stubborn stains, pre-treat them with a stain remover before starting the washing process.
  • Avoid overcrowding the bathtub; leave enough space for proper agitation.
  • Always use a mild detergent to prevent damage to your clothes.
  • Be gentle when agitating and rinsing to avoid excessive wear and tear on fabrics.


Washing your clothes in a bathtub is a practical and sustainable alternative when a washing machine isn't available. With the right technique and a little patience, you can effectively clean your garments and maintain their quality. It's a handy skill to have, whether you're on a camping trip, in a hotel, or simply want to reduce your environmental footprint by conserving water and energy.